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제주삼다수 견학

The Birth of Jeju Samdasoo

Development of drinking water test well (20-21 Dec 1995)

Drinking water launch (24 Feb 1998)

Construction of drinking water factories

Jeju Samdasoo water source was created on 20 Dec 1995 in Gyorae-ri, an area in Jeju with high precipitation and no source of pollution nearby. It’s 420-meter-deep and located 440 meters above sea level. Jeju Samdasoo factory was constructed on 23 Jan 1998 in Mountain 70, Gyorae-ri, Jocheon-eup, North Jeju-gun. The 10,162m² factory built on a land sized 35,041m² started its pilot operation on 24 Feb 1998. A total of 343 tons of Jeju Samdasoo in 0.5 and 2.0 liter bottles was transported from Jeju Port to Incheon, opening a historic chapter of Jeju groundwater’s commercialization.


In just three months since its first launch on 5 Mar 1998, Jeju Samdasoo completely dominated the Korean drinking water sector. The success continues to the present day, and Jeju Samdasoo has been maintaining its strong no. 1 position in the Korean drinking water market for 16 years.

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