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Jeju Samdasoo’s Eco-Friendly ‘Green Hole Process’

Jeju Samdasoo declared an eco-friendly business vision under the name of Green Hole Process in February 2021. Since then, it has been pursuing a green business model that encompasses various areas from CO2-cutting production to retail, collection, and recycling. Starting with the launch of the label-free Jeju Samdasoo Green in June 2021, Jeju Samdasoo implemented a three-free initiative highlighted by label-free and color-free caps and bottles. In addition, it has been collecting transparent plastic bottles in Jeju to make recycled textiles as part of its efforts to create a circular economy with a goal of making a plastic-free Jeju. It has recently started a plastic bottle collection program by introducing a Samdasoo delivery app. Jeju Samdasoo is striving to meet its goals such as reducing plastic use by 50%, using eco-friendly renewable energy, and creating a resource circulation system by 2030.

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